Willis Family Adventures

Posts tagged winter

january snow

February 3rd, 2011 | | | |

We had one day of wet snow several weeks ago…so I bundled the girls up and plopped them in the snow quickly…and by the afternoon it was all melted. Raven LOVED it…Hazel was just glad to be outside! We really need to get out to the snow more…maybe skis are in our future?
By the way, I think they just look so funny all bundled up and puffy…’A Christmas Story’ comes to mind :)


found it!

November 24th, 2010 | | | |

found the camera cord!
last weekend we went down to magnolia village to see the lighting of the Christmas tree. unfortunately it was raining, but we didn’t let it stop us…the girls were freezing by the end of the night, but it was a fun night with friends.


Raven and Eliana weren’t too sure about this Christmas tree thing in the rain…in the cold…but they perked up when we got cookies and candy later :)


…and this week… we got snow!




November 23rd, 2010 |

Well, we were dumped with snow yesterday…which is unheard of for Seattle. Its very hilly here, and there are no plows or salt trucks to clear the roads. Living on the corner at the bottom of a fairly steep hill, we witnessed several accidents on the corner here. I don’t think anyone was hurt from what we could tell.

Raven has LOVED playing in the snow…and I love that it provides hours of entertainment! I have some pictures, but I can’t find the cord to upload them…soooo…pictures will come as soon as I find the cord.

As of now, we are staying warm and cozy in our home.

…to be continued…