Willis Family Adventures

Posts tagged Home


September 23rd, 2011 | | |

I know I am incredibly behind with pics and happenings…but for now, its just easier to tell you what we have been up to lately. …or rather, what Matt has been up to lately!

This is the crazy chaos that we like to call the basement. We have had plans for a long time to make this space more usable more organized more kid friendly. Let’s face it, I like the sound of “Go play in the basement, girls!” It just has a nice ring to it.
So, project #1…Matt builds a murphy bed.

Daddy and his #1 helper. She is really into helping lately.
With a lot of thought, a lot of trips to the hardware store, lots of work and time…I would like to present…the murphy bed.



…and now for the rest of the basement (the hole in the wall above the bed)….there is also some re-arranging that will occur. The piano will come upstairs. The bookshelf will come downstairs. The desk will be moved. The walls will be painted. There may or may not be a new tv in our future. Its going to be a lot of work, but totally worth it in the end…we hope.
Also, we have our first visitor coming this weekend! Aunty Grace will be here tomorrow for a few nights.