Willis Family Adventures

Posts tagged video

Halloween …a little late

November 7th, 2010 | | | | | |

I just realized I never posted anything about Halloween. Mom brain has been my excuse lately, so I’ll just go with that. Let’s see…what did we do… First we went to the community center to decorate pumpkins and play at the carnival in the community center. Raven and her bff were princesses. They pretty much held hands the entire time! Here is a little video…

Later that week we had a fun Halloween lunch at our friends house! There were massive amounts of kids, and a bit of chaos…but it was so fun!

Later that day we went to Magnolia Village to Trick or Treat. They close off the streets and the businesses hand out candy. Tons of people go to this, and it was actually a really warm sunny evening…which is nothing like what it usually is this time of year. Raven changed her clothes about a hundred times that afternoon, so I finally put a flower headband on her and called it good (I found out later that she also had 3 skirts on!) Hazel’s costume was an easy little jacket…she was a sweet little butterfly!


Raven and Eliana held hands the whole time!

Raven and Eliana held hands the whole time!

Hazel and her future boyfriend are in the stroller behind Raven :)

Hazel and her future boyfriend are in the stroller behind Raven :)


best friends forever!

November 4th, 2010 | | | |

just another day at the playground with friends Eliana and Alma :)


Raven’s Bible Verse

November 1st, 2010 | | | |

We have been working on memorizing Bible verses (for both Raven and myself). I have been amazed at how quickly she can recite this…here is a little video. She whispers part of it, so you might not be able to hear.

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right”

Ephesians 6:1


bouncy house!

August 19th, 2010 | |

…let’s just say Raven likes to jump



August 2nd, 2010 | | |

Raven has discovered that she can climb into hazel’s crib, and she loves going in there to lay down or wake up her hazel. one day we put hazel in raven’s crib after a nap, and they both loved it! here is a short clip of the fun that was had :)