Willis Family Adventures

Hazel’s Birthday!

November 29th, 2010 | | | | | |

Hazel had such a great birthday! I’m pretty sure she loved every minute of it…and I’ll prove it to you :)

We started a birthday tradition with Raven…wake up with a song, a candle, and cake! Hazel wasn’t so sure about this at first…

happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear hazel

and after this we opened presents! Raven picked out a playground ball for Hazel, and that is by far her favorite gift!

Later on that afternoon was the party! Family and friends came over to help us celebrate our ball of energy! We played, had dinner, and then….we had cake!!! (this is where you can see her joy and excitement that proves she had a great day!)

thumbs up! the cake is good!

…and some party favorites!

(lots of sugar highs and sugar lows!)
As you can see, it was a really great day! We had a bit of a party hangover on Sunday…colds, runny noses, coughs, and some real sugar lows. It was so fun celebrating our little baby girl who is now one, who is almost walking, and who has started throwing tantrums like a full blown toddler. We are so thankful for you and we love you so much Hazel!

Oh, and here is a sneak peak at one of Hazel’s one-year photos!