Willis Family Adventures

deep breaths

March 18th, 2011 | |

Imagine this lasting for a week.

…and this is my life. We found out earlier this week that she has pink eye….and she is also getting all four molars at once. Let’s just say that she’s not handling it well. And when Raven was crying and complaining about me making her go to the bathroom, I asked her why she was complaining. Apparently she is getting her molars too. Not really…that happened years ago, Raven. It is noisy over here.
I am just sitting here during naptime taking deep breaths. The goal is to keep my sanity. I am praising the Lord that today is Friday…and I am heading for the hills this weekend! So thankful for my Mother-in-law for coming this weekend to help with the girls. So thankful for my husband who works so hard for our family. So thankful for the women’s retreat this weekend. Deep breath. Just a few more hours until Matt comes home.